In math we began our unit on division. We started with a fact family activity so that students could see the commutative property and the inverse operations of multiplication and division. This was a great activity and lasted only about 15 minutes. The kids loved it and begged to do another scoot activity soon! You can find the free fact family activity here. I used this recording sheet so that students knew exactly how they should record their fact families. We practiced with several before I allowed them to complete the scoot activity on their own. I love scoot activities as they allow students the opportunity to get out of their seat and walk around. If needed, I may assign a student a partner if I feel that they need one in order to be successful.
Our math lesson continued with Skittles and of course the students loved the idea of candy! We used our Skittles and little cups to divide. The students were shown a word problem on the Smart Board and then counted out the total number of candies needed. They used the little cups as their groups and then had to divide them evenly. A great way to have a hands on math lesson.
We topped off our day by creating a door decoration for Red Ribbon Week. Although the fire marshal won't let us actually hang it on the door. I found this on Pinterest and loved it. The template for the monster can be found here. My students were so excited to do a "craft". They enjoyed creating their monsters and we may spend an afternoon writing about our monster.
Hope you had a great Monday!